Marijuana dependency can often be difficult to detect. While no amount of marijuana use is truly healthy, not everyone who has tried marijuana ends up with a drug addiction. However, by assessing…
Countless Americans have struggled with prescription drug abuse and subsequent addiction. For some, prescription drug addiction begins with a legitimate prescription that becomes physically addictive due to the length and amount of…
The effects of cocaine addiction on the body vary due to a host of factors—including cocaine purity, method of use, and dosage levels. However, even short-term cocaine addiction can cause damaging health…
Teenagers know—and those past their teens all too vividly remember—that the teen years can be filled with incredible excitement, pressures, and stress. During the teen years, teenagers encounter a host of challenges…
Holistic inpatient rehab programs often offer the most thorough and successful treatment approaches for drug and alcohol addiction, with an equal emphasis on mind and body. However, inpatient addiction recovery facilities also…
Marijuana addiction remains one of the most common—and most insidious—recreational drug dependencies. Across the nation, nearly 12 million individuals suffer from marijuana addiction, including over 33 percent of teenagers in the 13…
Opiate abuse and addiction remain a dangerous and real epidemic in the United States. Taking health, social and financial tolls on opiate dependent individuals and society as a whole, opiate addiction can…
As a strong dissociative drug, ketamine (also known as “Special K”) can cause severe mental impairment in chemically dependent individuals. Affecting clarity of cognition, memory formation and even severe delusions, ketamine clouds…
Medical detox can be a powerful first step in eliminating drug and alcohol addiction from your life. However, the physical component of addiction is almost always accompanied by psychological addiction—also known as…
When drug or alcohol dependency has been effectively treated through an inpatient addiction recovery facility, life begins to take on a new sense of hope and promise. However, the transition between an…
Sometimes, drug or alcohol dependency occurs alongside a secondary mental health condition. In these specialized situations, known as “dual diagnosis” cases, chemically dependent individuals need experienced, professional addiction recovery experts that can…
The body’s nervous system becomes intensely compromised during crystal meth addiction. Shortly after crystal meth is introduced into the system, natural brain chemistry becomes altered, upsetting the user’s balance of important neurotransmitters.…
For many years, the addiction industry has insisted on the genetic model of addiction as the only acceptable paradigm. However, while genetics can contribute to drug or alcohol addiction development, it often…
When amphetamine withdrawal sets in, the brain and body go through a series of unpleasurable reactions. Because amphetamines share a similar structure to the brain’s pleasurable and positive natural hormones—known as neurotransmitters—amphetamine…
A treatment approach with its roots in integrative medicine can make the difference in any addiction rehab program. Integrative medicine focuses on causes—not symptoms—of any ailment in the body, including chemical dependency.…
Personality changes can occur as drug dependency begins to take a physical hold on a dependent individual. Illegal drugs start to affect brain function—including the areas regulating cognition and mood—by altering chemical…
Whenever we begin journeying a positive path, we can grow weary along the way from time to time. In the days, weeks and months following alcohol or drug recovery, there might be…
When dependency has been successfully stopped through an alcohol and drug recovery program, previously dependent individuals take the first steps in the journey of their new, sober lives. This transitional period can…
After treatment, recovered individuals head back to their home environment. For some, this transition can be anxiety producing, as previously dependent individuals may worry about stepping into a new life of sobriety.…
The transition period that follows drug or alcohol recovery is an important one. During this crucial intermediary phase, you embark on a life free of drugs and alcohol dependency and set the…