How to Overcome Addiction: Interviews with Pax Prentiss of Passages Malibu

Addiction Expert and Co-Founder of Passages Addiction Treatment Centers knows first hand how difficult the battle with addiction can be. Pax was addicted to heroin, cocaine, alcohol, and cigarettes for 10 years. Him and his father, Chris Prentiss created a program that saved Pax’s life. Its that same program that has now saved the lives of thousands of people who have come to Passages for treatment in healing the underlying conditions causing them to use and abuse drugs and alcohol.

Pax had this to say on his own personal battle overcoming addiction:

“Throughout that horrific time in my life, my dad and I continuously tried to get me sober. I detoxed myself at home, went to AA meetings, attended 12 Step treatment centers, and pretty much tried everything else that was available at the time. None of it worked. I continued to relapse time and time again, and I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t overcome my addiction.

Now I know exactly why I failed. It’s because I was being treated with an antiquated treatment philosophy based on the disease concept and 12 Step methods, which focused on group therapy instead of individual care and labeled you an addict for life. My dad and I realized it’s not just about stopping the drug and alcohol abuse, but it’s about learning why you use and then healing it. The resources I had available to me provided zero to little therapy to help me discover the “WHY” behind my using.

When this realization hit us, we knew that we had to figure out the underlying reasons behind addiction. We imagined the kind of program that focused on me as an individual, offered lots of one-on-one therapy, did not believe in the disease concept, and did not look at me as an addict but rather as a person who needed to heal his core issues. We searched and searched and eventually discovered that such a program didn’t exist, so we created it ourselves.” – Pax Prentiss, Co-Founder of Passages Addiction Treatment Centers

Pax has been interviewed to discuss his personal experience of substance abuse with media outlets worldwide including CNN, Fox News, Inside Edition, ABC News, The Insider,, and Forbes. 

Pax Prentiss Full Interviews

Meet the Passages Malibu Staff: Pax Prentiss

Call Passages Addiction Treatment Centers today if you or a loved one is battling an addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. Our admissions department is available 24/7 and can be reached directly by calling our toll-free number at (888) 397-0112. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Passages, Where Addiction Ends and Life Begins™

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